M.Pähklemäe & Co Law Office specialist are certified lectors in universities as well as others trainings. In co-operation with Estonian Women Lawyers Association seminars and training days are organised regularly. According to parters special wishes, we have chosen the trainings as module study. Module study will give an opportunity, especially with capacious trainings, to choose in which order and capacity you would like to cover the study. To foreign companies we offer the short-course overviews about the bussiness, tax law and company incorporation in Estonia.
When registating to trainings, there is a possibility to order career counseling, debt counseling, counseling related to work issues, also immigration and discrimination matters.
The high quality of the training programs, professionalism, customer-centricity and flexibility have been followed in the preparation of the study programs.
We conduct trainings either at the customer or in our Rävala classrooms in Rävala pst 6 or in the seminar rooms offered by our partners Rävala pst 3.
Täiskasvanuhariduse majandustegevusteade: 194124
OÜ M.Pähklemäe ja Co Law Office büroopidaja, õigusteadlane magister